Nov 10, 2019
Power or Piety
Series: (All)
We are a people power and of piety. We can influence others for good. We can have reverence for God and can be devoted to God’s ways. And we are a people with faith. Expecting that God will do what we expect God will do. But if we truly want what God wants for us: life and life abundant, “perfect” health and wholeness beyond what we could ask or imagine, we must have a different type of faith. A faith that can make a life-long beggar to walk into God’s presence leaping and praising God. We must have a faith that is not our own, tied to our own expectations, but a faith that comes to us “through Jesus.” LISTEN to Sunday's Sermon "Power and Piety"
  • Nov 10, 2019Power or Piety
    Nov 10, 2019
    Power or Piety
    Series: (All)
    We are a people power and of piety. We can influence others for good. We can have reverence for God and can be devoted to God’s ways. And we are a people with faith. Expecting that God will do what we expect God will do. But if we truly want what God wants for us: life and life abundant, “perfect” health and wholeness beyond what we could ask or imagine, we must have a different type of faith. A faith that can make a life-long beggar to walk into God’s presence leaping and praising God. We must have a faith that is not our own, tied to our own expectations, but a faith that comes to us “through Jesus.” LISTEN to Sunday's Sermon "Power and Piety"
  • Nov 3, 2019New Wine
    Nov 3, 2019
    New Wine
    Series: (All)
    God wants to fill us and bring us together. Our unity is bound by love and by our sharing with one another. Like God’s presence, our love and unity, given to us by God, is not bound by time or space. Let us be grateful to God that we are filled with the Spirit and drawn together in love and purpose. LISTEN to Sunday's Sermon "New Wine"
  • Oct 27, 2019Seeing Ain’t Believing
    Oct 27, 2019
    Seeing Ain’t Believing
    Series: (All)
    God has been so good to us a Faith Church. And it is exciting to have a vision for positive growth and transformation, both inside and out. May we truly “believe” that God is at work among us. May we commit ourselves in attentiveness and faithfulness to this vision. And may we have our hearts changed in the process. LISTEN to Sunday's Sermon "Seeing Ain't Believing"
  • Oct 20, 2019Unnecessary Spending
    Oct 20, 2019
    Unnecessary Spending
    Series: (All)
    When we read the story of the Anointing of Jesus across all four Gospels, the meaning of the story seems to evolve. What really happened? Why was it important? Is it about money and poverty? Is it about our stereotypes, prejudice, and discrimination? Or is it about recognizing who Jesus really is? Maybe we can learn all of these lessons. And when we give God all that we are, like the woman/Mary did, we can be open to see and experience God becoming “all in all.” (Photo by Wayne Forte)
  • Oct 13, 2019Don’t Try This at Home
    Oct 13, 2019
    Don’t Try This at Home
    Series: (All)
    We grow through forgiveness. Through the work of the Spirit in our lives, we not only see, perceive, and come to know what is wrong, but also what is truly right. By the Spirit, when we are wronged by others, we can grow through forgiveness, through insight into our own lives, and by seeing, perceiving, and knowing that God at work within us. LISTEN to Sunday’s Sermon “Don’t Try This at Home”
  • Oct 6, 2019Its Hard to be Perfect
    Oct 6, 2019
    Its Hard to be Perfect
    Series: (All)
    The Gospel is good news about who we really are. Christ, the Creator of all, the source of life, is in us. We must sell, surrender, release all that we thought we were. Because it is no longer this “I” who live, but it is Christ who lives in me. LISTEN to Sunday's Sermon "It's Hard to be Perfect"
  • Sep 29, 2019The Job Description
    Sep 29, 2019
    The Job Description
    Series: (All)
    Jesus asks his disciples: Do you know who you are and where you are sent? Are you experiencing God’s presence and purpose in your life? Do you believe that you are sent into challenges and that God can work through you? Do you realize that not everyone will agree with the good news and not everyone will want to pay the price...but if you do, you will find your life in God?  LISTEN to "The Job Description"
  • Sep 22, 2019Heavenly Things
    Sep 22, 2019
    Heavenly Things
    Series: Pentecost
    At Faith Church we want to “grow” in our spiritual lives. The roots of our faith, our Congregational roots, encourages us to take seriously the journey that God sets before each one of us. Let us look forward to learning from the Spirit and learning from one another. Jesus told Nicodemus, and Jesus tells us today, that being born from above (born again) is a gift of God’s grace. And it’s an exciting starting point. Now, let’s embrace the spiritual journey that lies ahead, led by the wind of the Holy Spirit.  
  • Sep 15, 2019The Way of the Lord
    Sep 15, 2019
    The Way of the Lord
    Series: Pentecost
    What is the Way of the Lord? Is it the way of learning and living out the will of God with our flesh and blood? Is it the way of being filled with the Holy Spirit, living not according to the flesh but the Spirit? Or is it the way of finding our true identity, being one with God, as the Father and the Son are one (John 17)? Wherever we are on our journey, may God meet us where we are and inspire us,  like John the Baptist, to grow closer to Him. LISTEN to Sunday's Sermon "The Way of the Lord"
  • Sep 8, 2019Fulfilling the Scriptures
    Sep 8, 2019
    Fulfilling the Scriptures
    Series: Pentecost
    God has been speaking to people for a long time. And God continues to speak. As we listen and respond to God, let us not forget the Scriptures, a record of Divine experiences. Let us be encouraged as we  experience, like Joseph, the continuity of God’s grace and direction. And let us be open to insight and spiritual growth. LISTEN to Sunday's sermon "Fulfilling the Scriptures"
  • Sep 1, 2019Deliverance Belongs to the Lord
    Sep 1, 2019
    Deliverance Belongs to the Lord
    Series: Pentecost
    God is always giving us the opportunity to change, and God’s grace is always there. God is for us, and God’s promises always come to pass in time. Let’s be grateful that we play a part, but like Jonah, let’s remember that all this is in God’s hands. LISTEN to Sunday's Sermon "Deliverance Belongs to the Lord"   
  • Aug 25, 2019May Your God Deliver You
    Aug 25, 2019
    May Your God Deliver You
    Series: Pentecost
    As we move more deeply into our Five-Year Vision, a vision to increase our capacity to be a place of Invitation and Spiritual Growth. Let us open our hearts to see the work of God in our own lives as well as in the lives of others. Let us be hopeful and encouraging like King Darius was with Daniel so that we can tell others, “May your God, whom you faithfully serve, deliver you!” LISTEN to Sunday's Sermon "May Your God Deliver You"
  • Aug 18, 2019But I See Four
    Aug 18, 2019
    But I See Four
    Series: Pentecost
    God is mysterious and beyond us. Yet God’s own presence is in us and around us and working through us. On special occasion or even during extreme difficulty, we may experience God “showing up.” Like King Nebuchadnezzar, we may find ourselves saying, “Was it not three?...but I see four.” Let us open ourselves, to seeing “four.”  LISTEN to Sunday's Sermon "But I See Four" (Image by Chris Cook)
  • Aug 11, 2019Known, Consecrated, and Appointed
    Aug 11, 2019
    Known, Consecrated, and Appointed
    Series: Pentecost
    The Bible tells us that God desires relationship with us. The prophet Jeremiah tells us that God “knows” us, and God wants us to “know” him. God lets us know that we are “consecrated” or worthy of this relationship. And we are “appointed” with purpose through which we can deeply experience God and this life we are given. LISTEN to Sunday's sermon "Known, Consecrated, and Appointed."   
  • Aug 4, 2019My Shepherd
    Aug 4, 2019
    My Shepherd
    Series: Pentecost
    When God is our shepherd, we have no lack, we are renewed day after day, we have no need to fear, and we are chased by God’s goodness and steadfast love. Isn’t it good to be one of God’s sheep? LISTEN to Sunday's sermon "My Shepherd."